Our Story
Hi, I'm Kathryn, owner of this long-established business, which specialises in making bed linen from natural and organic fabrics, right here in New Zealand.

We love producing quality bed linen that can help you to easily create a healthy, comfortable, and sustainable sleep environment.
When you purchase SleepFROG, you are buying a luxurious, crisp feeling, 100% organic cotton percale bed linen, that is free from harmful chemicals, organic and green. Sleep easy, sleep natural.
How did we start?
A lady called Tania Newman created SleepFROG out of a desire to lead a more natural, toxin-free, healthy lifestyle with her family. The most popular sheets at the time were treated with formaldehyde, which motivated Tania to produce a locally made range of natural bedding products.
Twelve years later SleepFROG continues to provide products that help you to lead a more natural, toxin-free, healthy lifestyle with your family.
Where do your sheets come from?
Our 100% organic cotton fabric is woven to SleepFROG specifications by a fully licensed and certified, fair-trade cotton fabric manufacturer in India. Our supplier supports local traditional organic farmers and their families, with ethical social practices and modern certified manufacturing. This combination brings you safe, superb organic fabric, made from quality single ply thread, which is GOTs, BCI, Fairtrade and OKEO-Tex 100 certified.

Our fabric is then cut, sewn, packed and sent to you by skilled local Kiwis, using locally made packaging products, and local suppliers.
We know the names of the people in New Zealand who make the sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers you buy from us.
This means the workers who make your products are paid fairly, work in a healthier space, and your quality sheets are safe and healthy for you and the environment.

SleepFROG fabric is natural organic cotton:- durable, breathable, safe for the workers, safe for you, free from harmful chemicals, organic and green.
Why is genuine organic cotton important?
The SleepFROG brand was established twelve years ago, long before the term “green washing” was coined! Our bed linen was developed from a genuine desire to see organic bedding marketed in NZ for peoples health and well-being.
We have a fundamental belief that “our backyard” is our planet. Collectively, even our small choices on an everyday basis, are a powerful tool in effecting change for our families’ futures.
As our planet warms, and environmental pollutants affecting our health and well-being increase, how can something as simple as your organic bed linen help?
Our SleepFROG brand of bed linen is made of fabric that is certified Organic, using no harmful pesticides or chemicals in the growing of the cotton, the weaving of the fabric or the making of the final sheets that you sleep on.

Conventional cotton farming on the other hand, uses about 500ml of pesticides for every sheet set made- just picture a medium-size drink bottle full of pesticide!
Those pesticides run off in the ground water, affecting water availability, soil quality and future crops. Persistent crop pesticides & chemicals leave residues and have been linked to disease such as cancer, Parkinson's disease and asthma.
Organic cotton production uses up to 90 % less water than conventional cotton production, 62% less energy, and has 46% less global warming potential.
Image-poison bottle by Lorc
Where do frogs fit in?
Our NZ native frogs are a little bit different from other frogs. They only come out at night, have rounded eyes, and don’t croak! Our daytime frogs are usually Australian!
Frogs are important environmental indicators – where they flourish, the environment is healthier & tends to be more balanced.
Frogs help control insect populations, and their tadpoles help manage algal blooms. When frog populations decline due to environmental pollution or habitat loss, the insects they eat increase dramatically. This often leads farmers to use more pesticides on crops, which then compounds the negative effect on the environment. To learn more about frogs check out this link to the Department of Conservation

- FRee from harmful chemicals
- Organic
- Green
Our sleeping frog is a quiet reminder of well-being. Having the freedom to choose a safe, comfortable sleep; sleep easy – sleep natural.
Sleep easy, sleep natural
Buy your favourite organic bed linen with SleepFROG.